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May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month!

This month brings the beauty, culture and history of Asian Pacific Americans into our classrooms. A wealth of art, music and literature spring from this rich heritage.   Here is a link to start your journey into a diverse and fascinating culture: We have many books in our libraries that will enrich your students, bringing a deeper understanding and appreciation of these people and their culture.  Our Asian and Pacific Island families would be happy to bring pictures, food and other items to share.   Break out those geography folders, maps, flags and enjoy!
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Books, books, books

Too many books, too little time! Never the less, here are some recent discoveries for our professional side, our personal side and for parents and children: Books for our role with technology:' Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our Kids - and How to Break the Trance Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television  This is an older book on the effects of advertising on children.   Distracted:  The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age Last Child in The Woods  Failure to Connect   Books that bring us understanding of others: This is a very, very small sample of some good books that promote understanding of others.  www.multiculturalchildren When I Was Young in the Mountains   Cynthia Rylant's enduring favorite "When I Was Young in the Mountains" is the tale of her own childhood growing up in the Appalachian mountains of West Virginia. The gently repetitive text details her everyday life, from swimmin

Screen Time: How TV, Video Games and Smart Phones Can Harm Our Children

FAMILY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT INFLUENCE IN A CHILD'S LIFE, BUT TELEVISION, VIDEOS AND GAMES ARE NOT FAR BEHIND. THESE MEDIA CAN INFORM, ENTERTAIN, AND TEACH US. HOWEVER, SOME OF WHAT THEY TEACH MAY NOT BE THE THINGS YOU WANT YOUR CHILD TO LEARN. TV PROGRAMS, VIDEO GAMES AND COMMERCIALS OFTEN SHOW VIOLENCE, ALCOHOL OR DRUG USE, AND SEXUAL CONTENT THAT MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN OR TEENS.  HOW SCREEN TIME AFFECTS YOUR CHILD : THERE ARE MANY WAYS THAT MEDIA AFFECT YOUR CHILD'S LIFE. WHEN YOUR CHILD SITS DOWN TO AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE, CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Time Children in the United States watch over 6 hours of TV every day. Watching movies and playing video games only adds to time spent in front of a screen. It may be tempting to use television, movies, and video games to keep your child busy, but your child needs to spend as much time growing and learning as possible. Playing, reading, and spending time with friends and family are much healthier than sitting in fr

Ah Spring: The Importance of Nature for Children

  Ah!  Spring   Spring is often brief here in Houston , but it is glorious for a while, isn’t it? You may have read some of the recent information and research about the effects of children being out of touch with nature.  The reasons for this disassociation with one of our most important needs vary among different regions and groups.  Of course climate plays a large role:  ice, snow, rain and other wintry weather can keep children inside.  In Houston , heat is sometimes a factor, although mornings and evenings are usually bearable.  Some of the strongest factors however, come from a source we would not expect:  parents. Parents are busier than ever.  Time before and after work is often taken up with shopping, meals, and planned activities.   Also, fear plays a large role in keeping children inside.  Parents fear insects, traffic, abduction, and germs.  We have become conditioned to feel safer indoors.  In reality fewer than 150 people in the USA d

Building a Culture of Peace, Communication and Compassion

Here are some articles of interest from our meeting last week.  These can be pathways to greater peace, not just in our school, but in our families, our community and ultimately, the world. I hope you find them inspirational and helpful. Enjoy! Five Ways to Build a Strong Relationship With Students Affected by Poverty Creating Peace:  A Practical Guide for Schools (Not all this information applies to Montessori schools, but much is very usable)  Hetty van Gurp Cultivating Peace in the Classroom A peaceful moment for you or to share:  And Peace Shall Guide You Active Listening Skills

Educators Events at the beautiful Houston Zoo!

If you haven't visited our world class zoo in a while you are in for an exciting day. The new primate exhibit is stunning with outdoor, natural space for these fascinating animals.  The silverback gorilla shown here is one of a number of free roaming apes.  The zoo offers numerous teacher events throughout the year.  Here are a few upcoming opportunities: Science Beyond the Lab Saturday, February 17 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Ideal for PreK – 8th Grade Educators STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, ANIMALS, and Math) Saturday, April 7 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Ideal for 3rd-12th Grade Educators Spotlighting: Nature Exploration Thursday, March 8 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Ideal for All Grade Levels For more information and to enroll for these events visit: (click on link to go) As generalists we have an obligation to open all areas of the world to our students.  Music, art, science, math, language are all critical to dev

Montessori and Public School Education: How is it working?

Dr. Maria Montessori and one of her first students. While the Montessori Method has been  popular in early education, more and more public charter schools from preschool through high school are adopting Maria Montessori’s philosophies as well. In fact, there are more than 300 public schools in the United States that currently utilize the Montessori Method, and specifically, there are 150 Montessori charter schools.  In an age of standardized tests and intense academic pressure, it seems that a growing group of parents and children are turning towards the Montessori Method.  What is the Montessori Method?   In contrast to our traditional education model, the Montessori philosophy is a more holistic, individualized approach that places an emphasis on “following the child.” One-age classrooms are replaced by multi-age environments, and the prevalence of paper and textbooks is largely  traded for multi-sensory educational tools. Instead of adhering to strict lesson plans,